- defined by speaker of poem (creates meaning)
- where, what, circumstances (context)
2. Structure
- different parts, relation
- pros (punctuation); new stanza
- syntax---> repeating a phrase
- has to do with meter/space on page
- grammar and meaning
3. Theme
- Example: LOVE
- love of what?
4. Grammar/ Meaning
5. Images/ Figures of Speech
- Senses:
- smell, taste, feel, see --> pattern?
- Figurative and Literal
6. Important/Single Words
- diction
7. Tone
- "Attitude author feels toward subject"
- territory of essay
- atmosphere: contextual, emotional feeling
- seen off of characters
8. Literary Devices
- metaphor, simile, personification.
9. Prosody
- the structure of language that conveys the meaning of text and others intentions
- pattern of rhythm/sound used in poetry
- patterns of stress and intonation in a language
- theory or study of these patterns, or the rules governing them