Sunday, December 4, 2011

Notes on Hamlet

Explain how your thinking about the play has evolved from the time we began reading to the end of Act III. Has anything changed your mind about the plot or characters since the ghost showed up at midnight? Where do you see things going from here?

As we read about the ghost in the beginning of the story I assumed that the play going to be serious and sad, maybe even a little scary. But never would I have guessed that there was going to be dark humor. The dark humor I detected in the play was when Ophelia was seen as crazy because of Hamlet. It would seem that the situation would be seen as horribly tragic but Shakespeare does not write straight forward, he writes so each reader can take the text the way they want. I took it as dark humor. Then there is Hamlet.  In the beginning I had assumed that Hamlet was a sort of hero, someone seen with much respect.  But as the play proceeded I realized that Hamlet was not seen the way I had assumed, not at all. As far as the ending goes, I don't believe it will be a happy one.  

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